Report Abusive Behavior to Abusix

Introduction #

In this situation, you do not have an AbuseHQ instance, but as an Enterprise, a Network Provider, a Mailbox Provider, a Brand Protection Provider, or an Internet Abuse Advocacy Organization wishing to report abuse.


Following are the steps for Reporting Abusive Behavior in this case and how to forward the data.


Create a Data Channel in #

    • Navigate to Data Channels


    • Click on Create a Data Channel and follow the steps in the wizard. We currently offer three ways of creating Data Channels.




Report abusive behavior #

    • Select how you would like to send your data. We currently offer two ways:



    • via API (recommended) – for more details, please visit this article
    • via Email – for more details, please visit this article


Name your Data Channel and describe the data #





Specify how Abusix may use your data #

    • In the last step of the wizard, please select how Abusix is allowed to use your data.






Forwarding data after the Data Channel is configured. #

After configuring your Data Channel take the following steps


Forwarding your email via SMTP

If you are forwarding an abuse@ role address

  1. Check if your “role address” is an existing alias address and if Abusix can be added as an additional alias to the address. You may have already done this by
  1. If your role address supports aliasing, add the Data Channel forwarding address (e.g., [email protected]) as an alias in your email server.

Also, see Submitting data via email to Data Channels



Make a connection to our API.

  1. Our API uses XARF, a format for reporting abuse, for mapping. Glance through our XARF documentation and closely examine the JSON schema examples. Most standard schemas should work for you, but you may have one that we don’t have in our examples or may have a field that you don’t see in the standard published schemas. In these exceptions, contact us through Chat or at [email protected]. XARF and our architecture are extensible; it’s just that if we have mapped the type of abuse you are reporting before, we want to be sure you are using that preexisting mapping as much as possible since that ensures you are compatible with new features as we iterate forward.
  1. Open your tool of choice and make a POST-Request to our API using a simple curl command, a library in your programming language, or any other way you wish.
  1. Pass the Data Channel API-Key we have provided as an HTTP header.
  1. Place the JSON XARF formatted file into the request’s body and send it.
  1. After successfully posting your data, you can check to see if it’s working correctly or see any errors in Data Channel at



Send us a message

Having trouble with your setup or a technical issue? Get in touch with our team of Abusix experts.

Click the chat button at the bottom and send us your questions. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]